Humanmade is a service which validates creative work, such as images, video, stories, and essays, as authentically made by a human – not generated by an AI model.
That your art is humanmade
Join us and pledge that you do not use generative AI in your art and writing. It’s free to create a profile in our network so anyone can easily find your pledge and a link to your portfolio. If you would like, we can verify that your art is made by hand.
Take a pledge that you will not distribute art that is made by AI and join our community. Display your pledge wherever you showcase your work.
Once you join, create your own page on Humanmade with thumbnails or snippets to show your talent. You retain all rights.
For a small fee, our staff will verify your art; either a selection of your work overall or individual pieces. You’ll get a permanent link to your certified art.
Certified Humanmade
Our featured artists have pledged not to use AI in their art. Humanmade has verified each of their portfolios.
Character Design Artist
We hand-verify that an artist is not using generative AI techniques in their work. We use a proprietary several-factor system that goes beyond AI-detection applications by reviewing work published before 2022, online presence, recorded timelapses of the art creation, and plugins to common applications. Every certified artist and image on Humanmade is reviewed by a human.
If have your overall portfolio certified, Humanmade will attest several pieces of your work and that you have the skill to produce similar work. You can also choose to have individual pieces of art certified. Either way, you will get a page on Humanmade showing your certification.
Or you can simply pledge that you do not use generative AI and join our community of like-minded artists for free. You’ll still have a profile page on humanmade and a badge to proudly display your commitment to your craft on your other art pages.
Humanmade certifies digital art and artists by reviewing partial works and art posted publicly before 2022, among other things.
Have your short stories, essays, or novels certified by Humanmade. Our staff will use your works-in-progress and portions of your text to verify that you wrote your work by hand.
Today it is easy to determine a video was made by AI. Create your profile now; experts believe AI-generated video will be available soon.
Work with Humanmade to certify other forms of art. We will find a solution to verify your work was made by your hands.
Post on Your Gallery Page
Use Once You’ve Been Certified